The Uprise

The Uprise

Monday, 23 February 2015

The Time I Planned My Photoshoot

I used one of my models from the school magazine photoshoot, Rachel, to be the star of my contents page. Because my magazine is subverting the stereotype of Hip Hop, Rachel had the qualities I was looking for: fierceness, confidence and beauty. I wanted my magazine to consist of a rival so I decided I would create the artist "Raeanna" - a play on words by existing artist Rihanna, and create a rivalry between her and Jay G (Joyel). The photographs below are the sort of poses that I would like Rachel to do.

As my front cover star's availability is limited, I am going to take Rachel's photoshoot first and create my contents page. Joyel is aesthetically suitable to be my front cover star because of his overall look and personality. Joyel carries Hip Hop traits such as the way he dresses and the confidence he has. In addition, Joyel is the only Asian male student in my year that I think is suitable. I plan to present him in a stereotypical pose for the front cover but less serious in the double page spread. Below are the types of poses I would like Joyel to do. 

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