The Uprise

The Uprise

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The Time I Made Decisions

After asking 10 Hip Hop magazine readers what masthead I should choose, the two top names were Rise and The Uprise. I then decided to go with The Uprise due to the fact that my magazine is based on introducing a new genre of Asian Hip Hop, essentially creating an 'uprise' for Asian artists. I then decided to narrow down The Uprise with 3 fonts and experiment with the colours to see which was aesthetically appealing. 

After asking the same 10 people which font they preferred, 6/10 went with the font '8th Cargo'. This is due to the design and the fact that it's easier to work with when creating a magazine cover. In addition, I narrowed the colour scheme options to 2, and the majority went with the second option with the light orange.

I had to explore masthead ideas against the colour scheme and this was the outcome.

With the exception of one student, everyone chose the last masthead idea. In conclusion, my chosen masthead and colour scheme for my magazine is below. I decided to brighten up the blue colour slightly so that my magazine cover will not be very dark. Below is my final scheme.

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