The Uprise

The Uprise

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The Time I Evaluated My Work

Question One:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

Question Two:

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Answer to Question 2 (click)

Question Three:
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Question 4:
Who would be the audience for your media product?

Question Five:
How did you attract/address your audience?
Answer to Question 5 (click)

Question Six:
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question Seven:
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back, I can honestly say my preliminary task looked awful in terms of layout and editing. As i was only teaching myself how to edit images, I was not confident in using Photo Shop for everything, hence using PowerPoint to copy and paste text and shapes. I have learnt how to make my content look more realistic by viewing other magazines and analyzing different genres with their pro's and con's.  Overall my progress has increased dramatically from my preliminary task to my final product, from the color scheme, editing, layout and general aesthetics

I would like to firstly thank my media teacher for enabling me to learn how to master software's that will be useful for me in the future. I have thoroughly enjoyed this process and will definitely continue this as an A2 course. Thank you sir/madame examiner for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you like my end product as much as I do. Thank you.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The Time I Gained Audience Feedback

As I have completed my magazine, I decided to print out my work and gain audience feedback in order to see what potential improvements can be made. I asked 2 females and 2 males due to the limited amount of available students in the sixth form area of the school. 

Overall, I think they liked my magazine a lot, mostly the males due to the masculine theme across the pages i.e. colour scheme. Most improvements lay with the females as they thought my background for my contents page and front cover was too 'dark'. In addition, the females felt there were more improvements to be made rather than the males, connoting that the magazine appealed better to the males. I will make minor improvements such as the size of the '+' on the front cover, slightly changing the opacity of the quote on the contents page, removing the 'U' on the contents page and changing the last paragraph of the article on the double page spread. 

Thursday, 9 April 2015

The Time I Finalized Things

I had shown my teacher my 'finalized' magazine and received a few points in order to achieve the highest grade. Firstly, I printed off my double page spread to see what it would look like and my teacher addressed a few things I had to change. 

On this page, I have to change:
- The positioning of the photography credit on the top left and replace it with 'Jay G's' social media
- Insert the flash, 'What you smiling at Jay?' in box
- Move the photography credit on the lower right side
- Insert 'In the spotlight' on the top strip

On this page, I have to change:
- Spacing in 'hip hop artist to'
- Change the intro underneath Jay G
- Make the drop capital be only for the letter 'T'
- Remove the top right quote and add promotion for Jay G's album instead

With my contents page, I have added an additional image, (taken from here: I have also added a 'win' section that allows readers to go straighT to the page of competitions. 

This is what my finalized and changed product looks like...

Friday, 27 March 2015

The Time I Switched Things Up (Front Cover)

As I had nearly completed my whole magazine, I decided to tweak certain elements of my front cover, and contents page as a result of audience research. The first element I changed was the background of my front cover. I changed this to black as I did not want a reoccurring aspect of gradient backgrounds, especially as it looked stronger on my double page spread. 

I then decided to change the shape background of my additional image from black to grey, changing the image also so it does not look like the model is 'floating'. The image I have chosen gives off a more hip hop vibe, due to the clothing. In addition, the 'lakers' logo matches well with the masthead, coincidentally. 

Finally, I enlarged the main image to make 'Jay G' be the main focus.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The Time I Changed The Gradient

As a result of asking my fellow peers, I decided to change the gradient background of my front cover. This is so that the top left of my magazine gives off a 'cleaner finish'.

Below is the final product.

The Time I Finalized My Front Cover

As I have now completed my front cover, I asked my teacher her opinion. The only element of my front cover that she wanted me to change was the size of the barcode, which is what i have now done. Below, I have placed a green arrow in the current reduced size of the barcode. 

I have decreased it and my magazine now looks complete. I will now write my article in Microsoft Word for my double page spread.