The Uprise

The Uprise

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

The Time I Created More People

As I have completed the gathering of my questionnaire results regarding my hip hop magazine, I have compiled all of the results and have created a "readership profile". 

Double click to enlarge!

The typical reader of my magazine will be both male and females aged 16-18. I plan to dedicate my magazine to Asian Hip Hop artists. Hip Hop and RnB music are extremely popular in the Asian community as there is an increase in new and young artists. I shall make another set of questionnaires to explore my potential target market as I aim my magazine more towards Asian teenagers. However, this aim will not exclude other races from reading the magazine as I will mention other International, British and American Hip Hop artists.  

The main interest of both genders are listening to music, socializing and playing video games such as PlayStation or XBox. In addition, the majority of the readers like to download their music instead of buying CD's. Also, the topic of celebrity gossip appeared and 11/20 students liked reading celebrity gossip which makes me ponder upon the idea of featuring gossip in my hip hop magazine. However, because of the genre, I want to shy away from portraying the gossip like a Pop magazine as the majority disliked Pop in general according to my questionnaire analysis. This will prove to be a challenge because I have to pick certain gossip stories to put into my magazine without losing the interest of my readers.

Most of the students voted that they liked listening to Hip Hop which indicates that my target audience will be wide so I must make my magazine appeal to the wider audience as well and take their criticisms very seriously. Also, because I am subverting the stereotype of Hip Hop being associated with mainly Black people, I intend to expand my target audience to Asian teenagers and other ethnicities. 

The favorite hip hop artist according to my results is Jay Z. I plan to re-create many famous magazine covers from Jay Z and merge it into one magazine, imitating his stage name and calling my 'new artist' "Jay G". I will go into more detail about this in another blog post regarding my subversion of stereotypical hip hop. 

In conclusion, both male and female readers have similar taste in regards to hip hop as the females in the questionnaire also preferred male hip hop artists over female. This questionnaire has helped me extremely as I am aware of how I want my magazine to look like and what content I want to place within it. According to studies, 6/10 parents give their child allowance. Due to the fact that my magazine costs £1.50, I plan to make my magazine a fortnightly issue instead of weekly. This enables the average teenager to spend the minimum amount of only £3 a month, a price they can afford. 

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