The Uprise

The Uprise

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Time I Looked At A Contents Page

As a follow up analysis to my double page spread, I decided to use the software 'Skitch' to also highlight the conventions of a contents page. I chose this contents page from the music magazine 'Vibe', featuring Eminem, a well known hip hop artist, as his aesthetic image subverted from a stereotypical hip hop artist.

Double click to enlarge the image

The Pros

  • The background of the main image contrasts well with the hip hop artist, Eminem as the dark colours direct more focus to Eminems face. The fact that Eminems attire subverts from the stereotype of a hip hop artist suggests an element of formality, creating a modernized image of what hip hop artists look like. Eminem's attire also pairs well with the background as the colour scheme is simplistic and not too extravagant.  
  • The colour scheme and the formatting of the articles are clearly laid out. The gutter between the articles are also the same amount of space between every article creating consistency. 
The Cons
  • The only negative aspect of this contents page is that the page numbers are not clearly formatted. I personally think that the page numbers should have been a different colour so that it could stand out and be clearer for the audience to read.

Overall, I think that this is strong contents page because of it's simplicity. 

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