The Uprise

The Uprise

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The Time I Studied Colours

In the second lesson of my Media class, we had to study the psychology of colours. This was interesting as it changed my perception on what each colour meant.

Click the picture to enlarge it

The main colours connoted many emotions that are said to mentally affect the audience.

For example, if a TV popped up with the main colour scheme as orange, many people will become annoyed with the advert as orange connotes annoyance. Additionally, an advert about speed or cars could use the colour scheme of orange because orange also connotes the idea of being energetic. 

Overall, the many emotions that were discussed about colours was truly intriguing as it explored a whole new mindset for me personally about how colours mentally change the way I feel about specific medias: adverts, magazines etc.     

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