The Uprise

The Uprise

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Time I Explored Styles

With all of my target research complete, I decided to experiment with different potential magazine titles with different fonts. Additionally, I created 2 colour schemes which I would potentially use in my school magazine.

The Time I Created People

I gathered all my results from the questionnaire to come up with something known as a 'Readership Profile'. 

The typical reader of my magazine will be male and females aged 16-19.

The main interest of both genders are reading books or playing video games such as PlayStation or XBox. Additionally, the majority of the readers do not actually read any types of magazines which implies that they do not have any particular interest in it. The minority of females that I asked read OK magazine because it interested them with female based topics. 

Readers have two particular topics that they do not want to read about in the magazine. firstly, males did not want to see anything fashion related whereas the females did not want to see anything related to after school enrichment programs. 

Both genders have a common aspiration in life which is to gain a degree in University and be very wealthy in the future. This suggests how hard they will be willing to work in order to gain and achieve that aspiration. 

Overall, readers have the same interest in reading about student gossip in the magazine. 

From this readership profile, I now have an idea on what my school magazine should look like and what to include in it. 

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The Time I Analysed School Magazines

One of the tasks which I had to do was to analyse and label 2 existing school magazines. This was because it would give me an idea on how to present my preliminary task and would aid me in exploring different styles to present my magazine.

The Time I Made Some Charts

As I completed my school questionnaire, I created 'doughnut charts' for each question and this was the outcome.

As the rest of the question were regarding their personal interests and ambitions, I decided to not create charts for them because of the massive variety. Instead, I will include them in the readership profiling blog post.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Time I Made My First Diary

This week, I recorded my first ongoing weekly diary regarding my AS Media Journey. In this first video, I talked about brainstorming my ideas for a potential school magazine.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

The Time I Created Questionnaires

In order for me to gain a better understanding of how my preliminary school magazine would appeal to my target audience (sixth formers), I had created a questionnaire which covered many topics which could potentially be placed in the magazine itself.

Double click to enlarge

Double click to enlarge

I asked 20 sixth formers to complete my questionnaire and came up with results which I had then converted into something known as an "Readership Profile" which is located in my next blog post. 

The results had varied but most of the answers I had received for questions like pricing was unanimous. The results of my questionnaire will also be located in my next blog post as well.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

The Time I Created A Mind Map

The beginning process of my preliminary task of creating a school magazine tarted off with brainstorming ideas and creating a mind map.

Double click to enlarge
This was my first and final mindmap I had created because I really liked the idea of doing a Sixth Form / Post 16 Lifestyle Magazine. The reason for this was because I felt like a sixth form magazine could be the easiest to create considering the fact that I am a sixth former myself. Overall, I do want to go with these ideas for my school magazine.